How to buy prosciutto from Norcia to help earthquake victims

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Here is how you can buy prosciutto and other meat products from Norcia which was hard hit by the recent earth quake.

This is the website of Maiale Brado di Norcia, where hte pigs are raised free range:

This  farmer has been hard hit by the earthquake andnow he risks losing the products in storage. As we have written before, after the terrible earthquake in Central Italy farmers are desperately asking for help.

Ada Fausti has evenasked Barack and Michelle Obama, who have tried his prosciutto before to help and buy the Italian products.

We at ByItaly are based in Umbria. We don’t have any relationship with Maiale Brado di Norcia and we don’t gain anything if you buy there. But we think these fellow Umbrians need help.


#earthquake #prosciutto #italianfood #italicious



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